Oct 31, 2016 I completely agree with your assessment of Pearson. I recently installed Office 2016 for Mac, upgrading from 2011, on my MBP currently running macOS Sierra v10.12.1 and am successfully running PH Stat 4.1. Creating a Correlation Matrix in Excel 2011 Instructions for Mac Users 1. Copy and paste all needed variables into a new spreadsheet. In a large empty space next to the variables, copy all of the variable names and paste them into new columns. You want a table that has the same row labels, in the same order, as the column labels.
Click on an icon below for a free download of either of the following files.
Real Statistics Resource Pack: contains a variety of supplemental functions and data analysis tools not provided by Excel. These complement the standard Excel capabilities and make it easier for you to perform the statistical analyses described in the rest of this website.
Pearson Ph Stat Download
Real Statistics Examples Workbooks: four Excel workbooks can be downloaded for free, which contain worksheets that implement the various tests and analyses described in the rest of this website. Two files cover univariate tests and the other two cover multivariate tests and time series analysis.
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Real Statistics Analysis using Excel books: Shortly you will be able to purchase books that will contain information that is similar to what you find in the website. The first of these books is expected to be available in early 2017.